2025 TRIAL JUNE 6-8

2025 TRIAL JUNE 6-8

Action Agility D.T.C. will be hosting our annual NADAC trial June 6-8, 2025. Opening day for registration is April 25th. Closing day is May 31st. More information along with Premiums will be available at a later date.




We want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting our trial - we can’t thank you enough. We appreciate all those who helped chip in and made these three days so very enjoyable - we appreciate each and every one of you for making this trial go so well. We have such a good time seeing our old friends that have traveled and meeting our new friends that tried their first NADAC trial. We hope that everyone had a good time, and we hope to see you next year!

Kristi F.

Sarah & Dakota, Shawn & Mavrick, Kristi & Cimba, Kelly & Tuscan

Judge Carol S.

Congratulations to Kelly and Tuscan for earning their NATCH title!

A NATCH is earned when a dog achieves 130 points in Jumpers, 130 points in Chances, and 230 points in Regular.

Congratulations to Sarah and Lyra for earning their PACH title!

To earn a PACH title you need to get through novice, open, and excellent with 3 qualifying runs (Q’s) in standard and jumpers with weaves. Then you get your Master’s titles with 10 Q’s in standard and jumpers, and for the PACH you need 20 double Q’s (qualifying both standard and jumpers on the same day) and 750 points (1 point for every second you are under course time).

Congratulations to Wendi And Odin for earning their NATCH 5 and Versatility NATCH 5 during our annual trial!

A NATCH is earned when a dog achieves 130 points in Jumpers, 130 points in Chances, and 230 points in Regular. After the first NATCH all consecutive NATCHES require 100 more points in Jumpers, 100 more points in Chances and 200 more points in Regular. A Versatility NATCH requires 130 points in Touch and Go, and 130 points in Tunnelers in addition to the requirements for a normal NATCH.


Volunteers are critical in running a successful agility trial. Volunteering for an agility trial is a great opportunity to learn more about our sport of dog agility while watching dogs at all levels compete in different events. Volunteers also earn tickets for chances to win great raffle prizes on the last day of the show! You are welcome to bring friends and family to volunteer with you. You can give as much or as little time as you have available.

The best thing about volunteering is all the free doggy kisses you can handle!

volunteers are needed days before the trial for Setup such as:

  • Load equipment from center into trailer

  • unloaded equipment at trial site

  • set-up ring at trial site

  • set up canopies

  • set up practice course

During the trial volunteers are needed to fill several critical positions such as:

  • Course Builders - Move equipment between classes to set the course for the next class.

  • Gate Steward - air traffic controller of the ring; make sure the dogs/handlers are ready to enter the ring.

  • Timers - man the stopwatches and communicate the dog’s time to the scribe.

  • Scribe - watch the judge and record the faults/points and the time on the scribe sheet.

  • Leash Runner - pick up the leash and walk it to the designated spot (or give to handler if requested) at the finish line.

  • Bar Setter - reset knocked bars or reset bars to the new height between jump height changes.

  • Scribe Sheet Runner - deliver scribe sheets to the show secretary from the scribe.